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Buy Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Counselor 1st Edition Duan and Brown TESTBANK with Paypal

Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Counselor 1st Edition Duan and Brown


Instant Download of Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Counselor 1st Edition by Changming Duan , Chris Brown Test Bank 

Instant download Becoming a Multiculturally Competent Counselor 1st Edition by Changming Duan , Chris Brown Test Bank Product Descriptions: Providing an essential foundation for pre-service and in-service PK-12 educators, this engaging and practical book focuses on essential questions and theoretical concepts about becoming a multicultural educator. Award-winning authors William A. Howe and Penelope L. Lisi bring theory and research to life through numerous activities, exercises, and lesson plans designed to heighten the reader’s cultural awareness, knowledge base, and skill set. Responding to the growing need to increase academic achievement and to prepare teachers to work with diverse populations of students, this text show readers how to incorporate cultural knowledge into more effective classroom practice. The fully updated Second Edition is packed with new activities and exercises to illustrate concepts readers can apply within their own classrooms and school-wide settings.

Table of contents: Section 1: Professional Counseling: A Cultural Occurrence
Chapter 1: Monocultural Context of Counseling as a Helping Profession
Chapter 2: Demands for Multicultural Professional Counseling
Chapter 3: Multicultural Movement – the Fourth Force
Section 2: Counseling in the 21st Century: A multicultural Phenomenon
Chapter 4: Multicultural Contexts of Professional Counseling in the 21st Century
Cultural Context at the Individual Level
Cultural Context at the Societal Level
Cultural Context at the International Level
Chapter 5: Redefining and Renewing the Counseling Profession in the 21st Century
Section 3: Becoming Multiculturally Competent
Chapter 6: Developing a Multicultural Identity
Chapter 7: Understanding Social Oppression and Cultural Pluralism
Section 4: Exercising Multicultural Competencies: Working with the Culturally Diverse
Chapter 8 Working with Diversity in Racial, Ethnic, and Nationality Contexts
Chapter 9 Working with Diversity in Gender and Sexual Orientation Contexts
Chapter 10: Working with Diversity in Social Class Contexts
Chapter 11: Working With Diversity in Physical Ability
Chapter 12: Working with Diversity in Religion and Spirituality
Section 5: Social Justice and Multicultural Counseling
Chapter 13: Role of Social justice in Counseling
Chapter 14: Developing Social Justice Counseling and Advocacy skills
Section 6: Applying Multicultural Competencies: Case Examples
Chapter 15: Helping Jermaine feel “normal”
Chapter 16: Assisting Darryl and Samar to “fight fairly”
Product Descriptions: Language: English
ISBN-10: 1452234523
ISBN-13: 978-1452234526
ISBN-13: 9781452234526
Related Keywords: becoming a multiculturally competent counselor 1st edition duan test bank
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