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Buy Business Law Today Comprehensive Text and Cases Diverse Ethical Online and Global Environment 10th Edition TESTBANK with Paypal

Business Law Today Comprehensive Text and Cases Diverse Ethical Online and Global Environment 10th Edition


Product Description:

BUSINESS LAW TODAY: COMPREHENSIVE immerses you in the excitement of cutting-edge business law with a wide selection of intriguing new cases and thorough coverage of the latest developments in the field. The Tenth Edition of this successful textbook makes the study of business law appealing and relevant–without sacrificing the legal credibility and comprehensive coverage that have made the text a trusted favorite. Each chapter’s visually engaging, time-tested learning tools illustrate how law is applied to real-world business problems–and how landmark cases, statutes, and other laws are having a significant impact on the way businesses operate both within the United States and across the globe.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Table of contents:

1. The Legal Environment.
2. Constitutional Law.
3. Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
4. Torts and Cyber Torts.
5. Intellectual Property and Internet Law.
6. Criminal Law and Cyber Crime.
7. Ethics and Business Decision Making.
8. Nature and Classification.
9. Agreement in Traditional and E. Contracts.
10. Consideration.
11. Capacity and Legality.
12. Voluntary Consent.
13. The Statute of Frauds—Writing Requirement.
14. Performance and Discharge.
15. Breach and Remedies.
16. Third Party Rights.
17. The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts.
18. Title and Risk of Loss.
19. Performance and Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts.
20. Warranties and Product Liability.
21. Negotiable Instruments: Transferability and Liability.
22. Checks and Banking in the Digital Age.
23. Security Interests in Personal Property.
24. Other Creditors’ Remedies and Surety ship.
25. Bankruptcy. 26. Mortgages and Foreclosures after the Recession.
27. International Law in a Global Economy.
28. Agency Relationships in Business.
29. Employment, Immigration, and Labor Law.
30. Employment Discrimination and Diversity.
31. Sole Proprietorships and Franchises.
32. All Forms of Partnership.
33. Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms.
34. Corporate Formation and Financing.
35. Corporate Directors, Officers, and Shareholders.
36. Corporate Acquisitions, Takeovers, and Termination.
37. Investor Protection, Insider Trading, and Corporate Governance.
38. Administrative Law.
39. Promoting Competition.
40. Consumer Law and Environmental Law.
41. Liability of Accountants and Other Professionals.
Unit 7: Property and Its Protection.
42. Personal Property and Bailments.
43. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law.
44. Insurance, Wills, and Trusts.

Product Detail:

Language: English
ISBN-10: 1285428935
ISBN-13: 978-1285428932
ISBN-13: 9781285428932

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